Hi, recently started up a habitats category on the british herping wiki. It tells you what native species you may find there aswell as imformation about the habitat. Check it out pleasehttp://britishherping.wikia.com/wiki/Category:_Habitats . But so far we don't have many pages so please help out!
Mr Blue Sky..?
So.. here we are... nearing the end of the year.. and yeah, what a poor year it has been!
Well, we started off well, with a nice warm spring, bringing out all the insects early, I had species which usually fly in May about in March. I even have pictures of birds with the sun on them (for those Brits wondering, the sun is a glowing yellow orange, which hasn't been seen this year (much)).
The April arrived, and.. well what can I say?? It rained would be an understatment.
May arrived.. I decided to say "Well.. at least it can't get worst". I am a fool..
June.. Some sun.. more rain..
July.. 2 weeks of warm sunshine.. Rain for the rest
August.. A decent amount of sun.. a decent amount of rain..
September.. More sun.. More rain.
October.. Very poor moth…
Small Decisions, Big Outcomes
It's suprises me how the smallest choice can affect my day.
So there I was, making use of the day, and walking around my local patch, I was seeing little in the way of birdlife, though I did gain some great views of Marsh, Cetti's, and Sedge Warblers, follwed by Chiffchaffs, plus two Bullfinch flegdlings (I know I've mispelt that), the first time I've seen the young, and the first Bullfinches in 3 years.
Anyhow, I passed an Orchid, I instinctly claimed it to be Southern Marsh, and carried on (the orchid is important). Anyhow, later was a swan nest near the path, with the male sat in the middle of the path. I had to squeeze pass (trying not to disturb the nest and trying not to get pecked), and then carried on. I passed a Lackey larva, plus a…
Barn Owl
It was a lovely evening yesterday (June 04) so I persuaded my family to go out for a walk through the nearby fields. So armed with the pushchair, dog and binoculars (in my case) our little group set off.
In a nearby dyke my Mum spotted a bird with a pretty large wingspan and called me (I was looking in the opposite direction at that stage) Then the bird took off and me and my Mum simultaneously realised that it was a Barn Owl. I'd only seen a Barn Owl in the wild once before which was quite a few months back (ironically it was my Mum who'd spotted that one first as well, though she wasn't convinced it was a Barn Owl).
The Barn Owl then gave me and my family a lovely display, gliding over the fields, changing direction, hovering a diving fo…
My first blog post on this wiki, it'll probably set the standard for the rest of my posts (me rambling on about random wildlife happenings) So....here it goes.
Living out in the country is great and I have the added bonus of being homeschooled which means I'm able to get out and about during work hours when the country tracks around my town are deserted. The fields around where I live are bursting with wildlife, at the moment there are loads of hares around along with the usualy pigeons, countless rooks and other corvids and also the migrant swallows and swifts (mainly the former which are busy collecting nesting material).
There are also quite a number of birds of prey around, Buzzards, Kestrels and a Goshawk has been hanging around recent…
Spotlight is here!
Hey everyone!
As you may well know I applied for a spotlight a few days ago. Anyways it was approved and I have seen it for the first time today!
As you can see, here it is! The image isn't exactly the one I would have used but it still does the job!
Let's hope it brings in a lot of new editors to the wiki!
TheWWC 11:18, May 10, 2012 (UTC)
Robins in my garden.
So our garden has about 5 bird boxes dotted around it, and we usually get 2 or 3 of them filled with baby birds each year.
Today I discovered one with a five egss in it, and after some patient waiting found them to be those fo a Robin.
I'll keep you posted as they hatch.
Moth Competition: WWC Vs PC
As it is my second year mothing, and I managed to encourage the WWC to get into mothing, he came up with the idea of a competition. It will mostly be "Who can get the most moths?" but there are several other catogories (listed below).
This was just going to be over the Summer months to begin with, but as we both started to get alright numbers of moths, we decided to put it ahead for the whole year (but we will still do the summer one).
The catogories are:
Most species of moths over the year
Most species in one night
Most moths in one night (number)
Overall moths
Rarest moth (as judged by someone else)
Rarest Moth from the Summer (as judged by someone else)
Most moth species over the Summer
Most moths over the Summer
So, who will win?? I may have a ye…
British Wildlife Clips - New videos for 2012
Hey Everyone!
This year I am planning to get some footage of quite a few animals for our British Wildlife Clips series.
These include:
- Grass Snake
- Common Frog
- Moorhen
- Coot
- Blackbird
- Robin
- Red Fox
- Rabbit
And many more! Please look out for them, they will be on the wiki as soon as we have got the footage :)
TheWWC 19:28, March 11, 2012 (UTC)
Improvements to fish pages
Hey everyone!
Other than uploading photos of my collection of rocks and fossils to the wiki this week I am so going to be improving all of the fish pages. I am going to be adding new categories, new pages and more info :)
So keep an eye out for these changes.
TheWWC 23:08, February 15, 2012 (UTC)
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year everyone!
2012, the year London hosts the modern olypic games for the 3rd time, the year the world is supposed to end and the year that Geology comes to the British Wildlife Wiki.
We want to start adding information on geology as we are based on British Wildlife, why not add information on extinct species not just the extant? We will be adding pages on rocks, minerals and fossils of Britain. This will help gain a better understanding of organisms which lived here millions of years before we did and what their habitats where like!
Also, not only am I trying to make the wiki better for everyone by buying a whole lot of new kit (New Bat Detector, new sound recorder, new binoculars and a moth trap late last year), I am trying to ma…
A few days absence
Hey everyone. I have moved into a new house today and our Internet isnt going to be hooked up for another week! In my absence I leave Purple Centipede in charge as head admin. Hope everything goes well and ill be back soon!
TheWWC 21:23, November 29, 2011 (UTC)
Moth Trapper Number Two
As many of you know, Purple Centipede, is a moth trapper. He has been using his Robinson's Trap for a while and has had some rarities from time to time. I was so intrigued that decided to buy my own trap. I know it might be a bit late as winter will be setting in soon, but the weather is mild and when I walk my dog in the morning along the local fields, lots of moths fly out of the damp grass.
I shall be putting my moth trap out every night I can see what I can catch, so look out for my photos!
Im sure that later on in the year, Purple Centipede will be up for a contest or two :)
TheWWC 16:28, November 8, 2011 (UTC)
Get out and
Get out and go looking for slow worms now
As it is the time of the year when they give birth
Recent Inactivity
Hey everyone!
Sorry for the recent activity everyone! There are a few reasons for this and these include:
- Problems with our BT Infinity - We haven't had a steady and strong signal in over 5 days.
- Job Seeking - For the past few months I have been job hunting
- Laptop Issues - Recently I have been having some laptop issues caused by a uncompleted update.
Everything should be sorted soon and I shall be busy and active again!
A Re-twitch!
Right, I saw the Stilt Sandpiper last week, but I decided I needed a new scope, so I went and got one. After I had bought one, I decided I needed to go and find the Stilt Sand again. So I went yesterday, no luck.
But today... Today was different. Told I had a hour to find it (Curse the parking time limits!), so I went my usual walk around. Saw Dunlin, Common Sands, Lapwings, Redshanks, Oystercatchers, Common Terns, Sandwhich Terns, Black-headed Gulls, Herring Gulls, Little Egrets, Grey Herons, mallards and Godwits. 10 minutes left, and no sign of the Stilt Sand... Walking back I decided I was going to check where I saw a mystery wader land earlier (but earlier it hid behind a rush). Went to the viewing shelter, nothing... I decided to get a…
A Twitch: Lodmoor
Right, today I did my first twitch. Sure, I've looked for rare birds before (It took me two years to see the Hooded Merganser @ Radipole, was a week too late for the Red-flanked Bluetail @ Durlston, saw the Ring-billed Gull @ Radipole (a day or two after it was seen), went to see the Long-billed Dowitcher @ Lodmoor, but missed it). So all my twithing experience is from either birds which have stayed a while, or I was too late (apart from the gull), but today a Stilt Sandpiper was spotted at Lodmoor. I was at Radipole, but I made it there in my lunch break...Nothing...
About an hour after we got back, it was seen again, so after I'd finished, and then after a cup of tea at home, I left for Lodmoor. It wasn't hard to find it. Driving past, sa…
Animal books for ages 10-14+
If, like me you happen to like animal books, then you may find that the range of fictional animal stories for older children and teenagers is surprisingly small. It's like, as soon as you hit about 10 years old you are suddenly expected to like gory supernatural thrillers if you are a boy, or else soppy teenage lurve stories if you are a girl. However, after many years of scouring the internet, libraries and charity shops, here is a list of animal books which I enjoyed.
- Watership Down by Richard Adams; very, very good book in which a rabbit named Fiver gets a dream that doom is approaching the warren, and so he and his friends set off on an epic quest to find a new home. Also if you like this book, read Tales From Watership Down, which is a…
Moths @ Radipole
Today I went down to Radipole Lake to look at some moths caught in the traps there. Last night was full of heavy rain, but there was a surprising (roughly) 130 species.
Invasive Species
A little while ago, before I joined this wiki, I read an article in BBC Wildlife magazine. It was about a mink cull that conservationists are carrying out in certain places. As I read further, it seemed even animal rights organisations such as the RSPCA were supporting the cull, saying it was for the benefits of the native wildlife. This left me feeling just a little put out. Whenever anyone talk about mink, they always say the same things; 'They're vicious', 'They kill other animals for fun', and 'Nasty little beasts'. Ok, maybe if you came too close to one they'd give you a nasty bite, and you'd probably need a lot of plasters. But in fairness, that's the same with a lot of wild animals if they feel threatened. And as for the 'kil…
Small Marbled!
This year has had a large number of Small Marbled Moths. These species aren't particulary common in Britain, and are quite spread out. As they are immigrants to Britain, they get blown over by strong winds!
Since I found out that this year has been good for them, and alot have been blown over, I have been determined to get one!
Last night (11-12th July 2011) I finally got one! Along with 44 other species, I finally got this small marbled! (YAY)
The British Wildlife Centre
Hey everyone, we went to The British Wildlife Centre in Surrey today and have taken hundreds of photos and videos.
As soon as we have watermarked them and the videos have been edited and uploaded to YouTube, we shall start adding them to pages. We have photos of everything from Harvest Mice to Red Deer and everything inbetween!
TheWWC 19:40, July 2, 2011 (UTC)
Moth Trapping
As you may know, I have a moth trap, and put it out fairly often.
I've had 1336 Macro moths (given up on counting micros) and a total of 76 species, including 2 Nationallly Scarce species and a Red Data Book Species.
Tadpoles are all grown up!
I no longer have any tadpoles as they have all matured into small frogs. I have a few different colours, which I assume means different genders.
The little newts still have their feathery external gills and have not yet braved the land.
Frog Update
Jus tot let all know, that the tadpoles are now all pretty mcuh frogs. They are doing great. I will take some more photos as they get bigger.
The newts are also good. They haven't changed much but they are stiull alive.
British Wildlife Centre
Has anyone been to the British Wildlife Centre in Surrey? What did you think of it and did you get any good pics? Am going in July and hope to see some good wildlife and get some fab pics.
Mothernature2010 22:20, June 17, 2011 (UTC)
Looking after newts
I've been wanting to care for a small number of newts foro a while now, but I was always under the impression it was illegal to take them away from their natural habitat.
I did some research and it turns out that when it comes to smooth newts (th e most comon ones which I would like to care for) you can take them home. What you can't do is sell them. So basically as long as you're not making money - it's alright.
With this in mind i went down to the nearest good spot and tried to catch some newts. I was successful...sort of.
I managed to get a few baby newts. They all have all 4 legs but are still in the erly stages of their cycle.
Video Coming Soon
Just thought i'd post to let people know, i'm gonna start making some videos.
The first one will be on How to keep tadpoles.
Watch this space!
Let it Begin
Hi folks, firtst blog here.
Just posting to let you know about my froglets. At the moment I'm looking after 3.
2 of them have finsihed their tadpole part of the cycle and are now just very small frogs.
As a keen coarse and sea fisherman i will be uploading lots of fish photos in the near future!
New Pages and Images
Alot more pages and images will be heading your way very soon!
Lots more categories will be coming soon to help with navigation and to find specific species!
TheWWC 18:45, June 10, 2011 (UTC)
may have sent that in wrong bit lmao... anyway yeah think its cool. you may wanna check you profile zack ;)
new achivements
Achivements are here! They reward users for editing, adding photos, adding pages and other tasks on the wiki! comment if you think they make the wiki more interesting and fun
May News
After getting our new layout, we have made a few changes to the wiki and enabled a few new features via Wikialabs.
New Chat Room
Here is the link to our new chat room. http://www.chatzy.com/163074274444
The room password is grasssnake
TheWWC 18:30, January 15, 2011 (UTC)
Changes to Wiki Rules
There have been some changes to the wiki rules in order to keep pages similar as we have noticed that the style of pages and writing isnt consistant. To keep it consistant and easy for people to navigate we have changed some of the rules slightly.
Also there are changes to the rules about images as not all images have credits to the on the wiki. Due to this we have no idea where the images came from. From now on all images must be credited back to the source you got them from and you must have the copyright holders permission to use them.
To see what else has changed check the Wiki Rules.
TheWWC 12:38, October 30, 2010 (UTC)
Distribution Maps and New Photos
For our first birthday we are introducing lots of new photos and articles to accompany them. We are also adding lots of Distribution maps and aim to have one for every vertebrate and some invertebrates.
If you have any questions on anything feel free to contact me on my talk page.